City Hire Builders and DIY Tool and Equipment Hire Brisbane
Floor Sanding Hire has never been easier with equipment hired from City Hire Brisbane.
Floor Sander Hire Brisbane
Hire tech Drum Floor Sander Hire Brisbane
Floor Sander and Sanding Paper for Hire
Rotary Floor Sander for fine sanding between coats and use on Parquetry Floors.
Hire tech Drum Floor Sander Hire Brisbane
City Hire have a full range of Sanders to bring your Floor back to it's former glory or just tidy up your freshly laid floor. These include Floor Sander Edgers (180mm Disc), Drum Floor Sanders (200mm Wide), Orbital Floor Sanders(460mm Wide) and Rotary Floor Sanders (405mm Wide).
The video above from Hire Tech provides you with a great run through of the sanding and finishing process. If you would like a copy of this video on DVD please drop by your nearest City Hire store. Please note that the actual machine in your local City Hire store may vary from those in the video. However the steps in the process are much the same.
When you hire a machine from us you don't need to worry about how many Floor Sanding Discs and Sheets to buy. Whatever you don't use can be returned for a full refund!
Happy Floor Sanding & please remember to Hire Equipment from City Hire!